Trine Flockhart is a full-time professor at the European University Institute, holding the Chair in Security Studies at the Florence School of Transnational Governance. Professor Flockhart is currently on leave from her position as Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern Denmark, where she also held the position as Chair of Social Science in the Danish Institute for Advanced Studies (D-IAS) and Co-Director of the Center for War Studies. Previous appointments include Professor of International Relations and Director of Research in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent; Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS); Senior Resident Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy (German Marshall Fund) in Washington DC.

Trine’s research focuses on global order and processes of change and transformation, the crisis in the liberal international order, NATO and transatlantic relations, ontological security, constructivism, English School theory, and resilience. Her most recent publication (co-edited with Zachary Paikin) is Rebooting Global International Society – Change, Contestation and Resilience, Palgrave 2022.

She has more than 100 publications with her main academic articles having appeared in journals such as Review of International Studies, Contemporary Security Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, European Journal of International Relations, International Relations, and many others. Her most recent publication (co-edited with Zachary Paikin) is Rebooting Global International Society – Change, Contestation and Resilience, Palgrave 2022. 

Phone: +4565509261



Selected Publications


Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin (eds.) (2023) Rebooting Global International Society - Contestation, Change, and Resilience, Palgrave MacMillan, 293 pages

Elena Korosteleva & Trine Flockhart (eds.) (2021) Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda, Routledge

Trine Flockhart co-authored with C. Kupchan, C. Lin, B. Nowak, P. Quirk and L. Xing, (2014) Liberal Order in a Post-Western World (Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC)

Trine Flockhart & Tim Dunne (eds.) (2013) Liberal World Orders, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 304 pages.

Journal articles

Trine Flockhart (2024) Order as Resilience-Governance of Sameness and Diversity, Ethics & International Affairs 38(2): 140–51. doi: 10.1017/S0892679424000157.

Trine Flockhart (2024) NATO and the Multi Order World, International Affairs, Vol. 100(2): 471-489,

Trine Flockhart & Elena Korosteleva (2022) War in Ukraine: Putin and the multi-order world, Contemporary Security Policy, 43:3, 466-481, doi: 10.1080/13523260.2022.2091591

Trine Flockhart (2021) From ‘Westlessness’ to renewal of the liberal international order: whose vision for the ‘good life’ will matter?, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 35:2, 176-193, DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2021.1999212

Trine Flockhart (2021) The Liberal International Order and Peaceful Change: Spillover and the Importance of Values, Visions, and Passions. Ethics & International Affairs, 34(4), 521-533, DOI: 10.1017/S0892679420000593

Elena Korosteleva & Trine Flockhart (2020) ‘Resilience in EU and international institutions: Redefining local ownership in a new global governance agenda’, Co-authored with Elena Korosteleva for a co-edited Special Issue in Contemporary Security Policy, entitled Resilience in EU and International Institutions, 41:2,153-175, DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1723973

Trine Flockhart (2020) Is this the end? Resilience, ontological security, and the crisis of the liberal international order, Contemporary Security Policy, 41:2, 215-240, DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1723966

Trine Flockhart (2018) ‘A Multi-Order World?’ November 2018 In R S A Journal. 5575, 3, p. 26-31

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘The Problem of Change in Constructivist Theory - Ontological Security Seeking and Agent Motivation’ Review of International Studies, vol. 42(5), 799-820

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘Mod en ‘multiorden’ verden’, Udenrigs, Juilæumsnummer, Oktober 2016

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘The Coming Multi-Order Word’ Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 37(1), 3-30