Project relevant publications by members of the AGMOW team

AGMOW Publications

Trine Flockhart (2024) Order as Resilience-Governance of Sameness and Diversity. Ethics & International Affairs 38(2): 140–51. doi: 10.1017/S0892679424000157 open access.

One of the problems with the problem of world order is that what makes for order within societies is often precisely what makes for disorderly relations between them. I argue in this short essay that many of the problems with the problem of world order arise from assumptions that are widely shared within a discipline where the language of power and interest dominates and where a view of states as “like units” permeates. With more emphasis on values and visions of the good life, and acceptance that the ontological foundation of IR is difference rather than sameness, the debates about the problem of world order would take on a different form. The essay adapts the work of Hedley Bull and introduces the concept of “resilience-governance” to distinguish between resilience as a practice of self-governance taking place within ordering domains and resilience as a practice of “diversity-governance” taking place between ordering domains. The combination of the two allows for a bifocal view into how practices of resilience as self-governance may produce order within individual domains but will at the same time increase diversity and difference between the ordering domains, hence making the practices of resilience as diversity-governance much more challenging.

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Trine Flockhart (2024) NATO in the Multi Order World, International Affairs Vol. 100(2): 471-489

NATO's longevity and resilience have rested on its ability to switch between its roles as a military alliance and as a community of shared values. As the alliance now navigates the multi-order world, it must continue to balance both its roles, striving against growing political cleavages among its several member states.

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Additional project relevant publications


Elena Korosteleva and Irina Petrova (2023) Resilient Communities of Central Eurasia: responding to change, complexity and the visions of “good life, London: Taylor & Francis ISBN 9781032290942

Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin (eds.) (2022) Rebooting Global International Society - Contestation, Change, and Resilience, Palgrave MacMillan, 293 pages

Elena Korosteleva & Trine Flockhart (eds.) (2021) Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda, Routledge

Trine Flockhart co-authored with C. Kupchan, C. Lin, B. Nowak, P. Quirk and L. Xing, (2014) Liberal Order in a Post-Western World (Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC)

Trine Flockhart & Tim Dunne (eds.) (2013) Liberal World Orders, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 304 pages.

Li, Xing and Vadell, Javier (ed.) (2024) China-US Rivalry and Regional Reordering in Latin America and the Caribbean. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781032646909

Li, Xing (ed.) (2022) China-EU Relations in a New Era of Global Transformation. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367562397.

Bernal-Meza, Raúl and Li, Xing (eds.) (2020) China-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century: the Dual Complexities of Opportunities and Challenges. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-35614-9

Li, Xing (ed.) (2019) The International Political Economy of the BRICS. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138579576.

Li, Xing (ed.) (2019) Mapping China’s One Belt One Road” Initiative. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-92201-0.

Christensen, Steen F. and Li Xing (eds.) (2016) Emerging Powers, Emerging Markets, Emerging Societies: Global Responses. London: Palgrave MaCmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-56178-7.

Li, Xing (ed.) (2014) The BRICS and Beyond: The Political Economy of the Emergence of a New World Order?  London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138359345.

Li, Xing and Farah, Osman (eds.) (2013) China-Africa Relations in an Era of Great Transformation. Surrey. UK: Ashgate Publisher. ISBN 978-1-4094-6479-2.

Li, Xing and Christensen, Steen Fryba (eds.) (2012) The Rise of China and The Impact on Semi-periphery and Periphery Countries. Aalborg-Denmark: Aalborg University Press. ISBN 978-87-7112-017-2

Li, Xing (ed.) (2010) The Rise of China and the Capitalist World Order. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publisher. ISBN 978-0-7546-7913-4.


Journal articles

Trine Flockhart (ed.) (2023) Specal Issue on Verdensordenen i lyset af krigen i Ukraine, Politica, 55(1)

Trine Flockhart (2023)’Ruslands krig i Ukrane – en verdensorden i transformation’, Politica, 55(1), pp. 5 – 14.

Li Xing (2023) ’Alliancen mellem Kina og Rusland og rivaliseringen mellem Kina og USA i lyset af Ukrainekrigen’, Politica, 55(1), pp. 26-36

André Ken Jakobsson & Liv Nielsen (2023) ’Cyberdomænet i Ukrainekrigen: et udvidet kamprum med proxyaktører, eskalationsstiger og fjendemærkater’, Politca, 55(1), pp. 60 - 73

Trine Flockhart & Elena Korosteleva (2022) War in Ukraine: Putin and the multi-order world, Contemporary Security Policy, 43:3, 466-481,  DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2022.2091591

Trine Flockhart (2021) From ‘Westlessness’ to renewal of the liberal international order: whose vision for the ‘good life’ will matter?, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 35:2, 176-193, DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2021.1999212

Trine Flockhart (2021) The Liberal International Order and Peaceful Change: Spillover and the Importance of Values, Visions, and Passions. Ethics & International Affairs, 34(4), 521-533, DOI: 10.1017/S0892679420000593

Elena Korosteleva (2021) Community resilience in Belarus and the EU response’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review Vol. 59 (S1): 124-36, DOI:

Elena Korosteleva (2021) ‘Societal resilience in Belarus and the EU response’, Journal of Common Market studies, Annual Review (28 Sept 2021), DOI:

Elena Korosteleva & Zachary Paikin (2021) Special Issue ‘Russia between East & West, & the Future of Eurasian Order’, International Politics (co-editor) 58(3)

Elena Korosteleva & Zachary Paikin (2021) ‘Russia between east and west, and the future of Eurasian order’, Introduction, 58(3): 321-34 DOI:1057/s41311-020-00261-5

Elena Korosteleva & Irina Petrova (2021) ‘From “the global” to “the local’: the future of cooperative orders in Central Eurasia in times of complexity’, 58(3): 421-44 DOI:1057/s41311-020-00262-4

Elena Korosteleva & Trine Flockhart (2020) ‘Resilience in EU and international institutions: Redefining local ownership in a new global governance agenda’, Co-authored with Elena Korosteleva for a co-edited Special Issue in Contemporary Security Policy, entitled Resilience in EU and International Institutions, 41:2,153-175, DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1723973

Trine Flockhart (2020) Is this the end? Resilience, ontological security, and the crisis of the liberal international order, Contemporary Security Policy, 41:2, 215-240, DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1723966

Trine Flockhart (2018) ‘A Multi-Order World?’ November 2018 In R S A Journal. 5575, 3, p. 26-31

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘The Problem of Change in Constructivist Theory - Ontological Security Seeking and Agent Motivation’ Review of International Studies, vol. 42(5), 799-820

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘Mod en ‘multiorden’ verden’, Udenrigs, Juilæumsnummer, Oktober 2016

Trine Flockhart (2016) ‘The Coming Multi-Order Word’ Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 37(1), 3-30

Li, Xing and Li Qing (2024, forthcoming) “A Structural Approach to China-US Rivalry: A Complex Interplay of Structure-Agency Dynamics.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs,

Li, Xing; Vadell, Javier and Rubiolo, Florencia (2023) “Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: Pandemic 

Li Xing (2023) ”Alliancen mellem Kina og Rusland og rivaliseringen mellem Kina og USA i lyset af Ukrainekrigen.” Politica, Vol. 55, No. 1. Pp. 26-36.

Li, Xing (2023) “China’s Global Rise and China-US Rivalry: The Impact on Latin America”, Foro, Vol. 7, No. 1. pp.1-11.

Li, Xing and Bernal-Meza, Raul (2021) “China-US Rivalry: A New Cold War or Capitalism’s Intra-core Competition?” Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. Vol. 64, No. 1. Pp. e010

Li, Xing (2021) “The Rise of China and Its Impact on World Economic Stratification and Re-stratification”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Vol. 34, No. 4. Pp. 530-550.

Li, Xing and Zhang, Shengjun (2018) “Interdependent Hegemony: China’s Rise Under the Emerging New World Order”, China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies. Vol. 4, No. 2. pp. 159-175.

Li, Xing and Timothy Shaw (2017) “Power Transition and China-US Security Dilemma in a Nexus of ‘Same Bed Different Dreams’ and ‘Riding-Tiger’ conundrums”, Journal of International Security Studies. Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 44-67.

Li, Xing and Oscar G. Agustin (2015) “Constructing and Conceptualizing ‘Interdependent Hegemony’ in an Era of the Rise of the BRICS and Beyond”, Journal of International Security Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2. Pp. 53-74.

Li, Xing (2014) “The Nexus of ‘Interdependent Hegemony’ between the Existing and the Emerging World Orders”, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 7 and No. 3. Pp. 343-363.

Li, Xing and Zhang, Shengjun (2010) “One Mountain with Two Tigers - China and the United States in East Asian Regionalism”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 2, No. 3. Pp. 110-129.

Flockhart, Trine and Li, Xing (2010) “Riding the Tiger: China’s Rise and the Liberal World Order”, DIIS Policy Brief – December 2010, Danish Institute for International Studies. Pp. 1-4.


Contributions to books

Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin, (2022) Introduction’ in Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin,  Rebooting Global International Society - Contestation, Change, and Resilience, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1 – 20.

Trine Flockhart (2022) ‘Chapter 1: Change in Global International Society’ in Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin, Rebooting Global International Society - Contestation, Change, and Resilience. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 21 – 40.

Elena Korosteleva and Irina Petrova (2022) ’Chapter 4: Contestation in Global International Society’ in Trine Flockhart & Zachary Paikin, Rebooting Global International Society - Contestation, Change, and Resilience, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 59 – 78.

Elena Korosteleva & Trine Flockhart (2021) ‘Resilience in EU and international institutions: Redefining local ownership in a new global governance agenda’, Co-authored with Elena Korosteleva in Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda, Co-edited with Elena Korosteleva, Routledge, pp. 1 - 22

Trine Flockhart (2021) ‘Is this the end? Resilience, ontological security, and the crisis of the liberal international order’ in Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda, Co-edited with Elena Korosteleva, Routledge, pp.189 - 214

Trine Flockhart (2014) ‘Order through Partnerships: Sustaining Liberal Order in a Post-Western World’ in Flockhart, Kupchan, Lin, Nowak, Quirk and Xing, Liberal Order in a Post-Western World, Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC

 Li, Xing and Vadell, Javier (2024) “International order transition and China–US rivalry: implication for Lain America and the Caribbean.” In Li Xing and Javier Vadell (eds.) China–-US Rivalry and Regional Reordering in Latin America and the Caribbean. London: Routledge.

Li, Xing and Vadell, Javier (2024) “Conceptualizing China–US rivalry and its dynamic impact on Latin America and the Caribbean.” In Li Xing and Javier Vadell (eds.) China–-US Rivalry and Regional Reordering in Latin America and the Caribbean. London: Routledge.

Vadell, Javier and Li, Xing (2024) “Final remarks and perspectives: China–US rivalry, world reordering and Latin American responses.” In Li Xing and Javier Vadell (eds.) China–-US Rivalry and Regional Reordering in Latin America and the Caribbean. London: Routledge.

Li, Xing (2021) “China-EU Relations at a Crossroads: Systemic Rivalry or Strategic Partnership?” In Li Xing (ed.)  China-EU Relations in a New Era of Global Transformation. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-18.

Li, Xing (2021) “The EU’s Struggle of “Standing in Two Boats”: The Dual Complexity of the Belt and Road in China-EU Relations.” In Li Xing (ed.) China-EU Relations in a New Era of Global Transformation. London: Routledge. Pp. 93-112

Li, Xing (2020) “The rise of China and the US-led world order: Can two tigers share the same mountain?” In Bart Gaens & Ville Sinkkonen (eds.) Great-Power Competition and the Rising US-China Rivalry: towards a new Normal? Finish Institute of International Affairs, Report 66. Pp. 57-71.

Li, Xing and Zhang, Shengjun (2020) “The International Political Economy of the Rise China and Emerging Powers: Traditional Perspectives and Beyond”. In Ernesto Vivares (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy. London: Routledge. Pp. 74-91.

Press, policy and popular publications

Trine Flockhart (2022) Den gamle verdensorden er død - længe leve den nye. Raeson49(1), 28-33.

Trine Flockhart (2022). After the Invasion of Ukraine: The Old Order is Dead - Long Live the New Order. CWS Dossiers