Monika Sus is associate professor in the Institute of Political Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences in
Warsaw and visiting professor at the Center for International Security at the Hertie School in Berlin where she
leads the Horizon 2020 project “Envisioning a New Governance Architecture for a Global Europe” (ENGAGE).
She is also affiliated with the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute
in Florence as visiting fellow. Her research interests lie primarily in international relations, particularly in the
study of European Union’s foreign and security policy. Her articles appeared in International Affairs, Journal of
Common Market Studies, Contemporary Security Policy, British Journal of Politics and International Relations,
Journal of European Integration, Global Policy (and elsewhere). She edited and co-edited four special issues
of renowned academic journals such as Contemporary Security Policy (2023), Geopolitics (2019), International
Politics (2019) and Futures. The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies (2018).
Selected Publications
Differentiated cooperation as the mode of governance in EU foreign policy, “Contemporary Security Policy”, 2023, (with M.G. Amadio Viceré)
Supranational entrepreneurs: the High Representative and the EU global strategy, “International Affairs”, 97 (3), 823–840,
Theory infused and policy relevant – On the usefulness of scenario analysis in IR studies, “Contemporary Security Policy”, 41(3), 432-455, 2020, (with M. Hadeed)
Edition of “Futures. The journal of policy, planning and futures studies”, Title: European Union in the World 2025 – Scenarios for the EU relationships with neighbours and strategic partners, 97, 2018.