Elena Korosteleva is Professor of Politics and Global Sustainable Development, and Director of the Institute of Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) at the University of Warwick. Professor Korosteleva is presently a Co-Investigator on the Horizon Europe project SHAPEDEM-EU (2022-25), and the co-founder of the Oxford Belarus Observatory (2021-23). Prior to that, she was the Principal Investigator for the GCRF COMPASS (2017-22) and GCRF COMPASS+ projects (2022-23) focusing on nurturing resilience in Central Eurasia in the areas of research integration, impact governance, and sustainable communities. The COMPASS project was highly commended by the Times Higher Education in 2021, under the category of the Best International Collaboration of the Year. Elena’s research interests include: resilience, complexity-thinking, sustainable order and governance; community of relations.
Selected Publications
Korosteleva, E. and Petrova, I. (2023) Resilient Communities of Central Eurasia: responding to change, complexity and the visions of “good life” (2023, editor and contributor) ISBN 9781032290942. London: Taylor & Francis
Korosteleva, E. & Petrov, I. (2022) ‘Resilience in Global International Society’, chapter in Flockhart, T. & Paikin, Z. (eds) Rebooting Global International Society: Change, Contestation and Resilience (Palgrave) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11393-2
Korosteleva, E. & Flockhart, T. (2020) Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda (2020), ISBN 9780367543914. London: Taylor & Francis
Journal articles
Korosteleva, E. & Petrova, I (2023) ‘Power, People and the Political: understanding the many crises in Belarus’, Nationalities Papers, part of Special Issue, DOI: 10.1017/nps.2022.77
Flockhart, T. & Korosteleva, E. (2022) ‘The War in Ukraine: Putin and the multi-order world’, Contemporary Security Policy, Special Issue. DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2022.2091591
Korosteleva, E. & Petrova, I. (2021) ‘Community resilience in Belarus and the EU response’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review Vol. 59 (S1): 124-36 (27 Sept), DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13248
Petrova, E. & Korosteleva E. (2021) ‘Societal fragilities and resilience: the emergence of peoplehood in Belarus’, Journal of Eurasian Studies (29 Aug). Advanced online publication: https://doi.org/10.1177/18793665211037
Korosteleva, E. & Petrova, I. (2022) ‘What makes communities resilient?’ Introduction to the Special Issue ‘The Making of Resilient Communities in Central Eurasia’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 35(2) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09557571.2021.2024145
Korosteleva, E. & Paikin, Z. (2021) ‘Russia between East & West, & the Future of Eurasian Order’, International Politics (co-editor) 58(3): 321-34 DOI: 10.1057/s41311-020-00261-5
Korosteleva, E. & Petrova, I (2021) ‘From “the global” to “the local’: the future of cooperative orders in Central Eurasia in times of complexity’, International Politics, 58(3): 421-44 DOI: 10.1057/s41311-020-00262-4
Korosteleva, E. & Flockhart, T. (2020) ‘Resilience in EU and International Institutions: redefining local ownership in a new global governance agenda’, 42(2): 153-75 DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1723973
Korosteleva, E. (2020) ‘Reclaiming Resilience Back: A local turn in EU external governance’, 42(2): 241-62 DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2019.1685316
Korosteleva, E. (2019) ‘Putting the EU Global Security Strategy to Test: “cooperative orders” and othering in EU-Russia relations’, International Politics, 56(3): 304-20. Special Issue DOI: 10.1057/s41311-017-0128-7
Korosteleva, E. (2020) ‘Paradigmatic or Critical? Resilience as a New Turn in EU governance for the Neighbourhood’, Journal of International Relations and Development (accepted July 2018), 23(3) 2020: 682-700 http://doi.org/10.1057/s41268-018-0155-z
Relevant Projects
Horizon Europe SHAPEDEM-EU (€3mln; 2022-25; Co-Investigator), 12-member consortium to study the theory and practice of democracy in the EU and its neighbourhoods
GCRF GNCA COMPASS+ project (£65K; 2022-23, PI) policy impact project to seek solutions for nurturing resilience across Central Eurasia in times of climate emergency, war and conflict
Research England (£32K, April-July 2022, PI and 2022-23, COI) ‘Understanding communities in crisis: the Case of Ukraine’, University of Warwick
Open Society Foundation Oxford Belarus Observatory-OBO (£170K; 2021-23; Co-PI) impact project offering analysis and advice on Belarus, Ukraine and Russia developments in times of war
Global Challenges Research Fund UKRI Conflict Intersections Call (AH/V007475/1; £200K; 2021-22; PI) GOOD-Neighbour, focusing on resilience-building and sustainable development in Central Asia
Global Challenges Research Fund UKRI Cluster Call (EP/T024801/1; £135k; 2020-21; 1st round; Co-Investigator) AGRE, with Universities of Durham and Oxford, focusing on fostering adaptive governance and resilience in local communities of Central Eurasia to withstand the challenges of globalisation. This project was set to develop a £3mln bid (subsequently cancelled).
Global Challenges Research Fund UKRI (ES/PO10849/1; £4mln; 2017-23; Principal Investigator) COMPASS, an interdisciplinary capacity-building project to explore adaptive governance, change & resilience in Eastern Europe & Central Asia. The project was shortlisted for the Times Higher Education (THE) International Collaboration Award 2021.
ESRC 1st Grants Scheme (RES-061-25-0001; £500K; 2008-11; PI) Research project ‘Europeanizing or Securitizing the ‘outsiders’? Assessing the EU’s partnership-building approach with Eastern Europe’ to examine EU governance and order in the eastern neighbourhood, inclusive of Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova
British Academy (BA, £100K; 2001-2004, PI) British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 'The quality of democracy in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova', University of Glasgow, to examine models of governance and security in the region